Workplace campaigns are organized, company-sponsored fundraising drives. Company leaders and employees have the ability to donate on a one-time basis or through regular payroll deductions. Workplace campaigns are a great way to engage employees, build morale, and demonstrate social responsibility. United Way campaigns offer tremendous flexibility so that employees can give to the causes they care about. In addition to donations, workplace campaigns can involve events and volunteer opportunities for you and your employees.

Campaign benefits:

  • Ensure that local people in need get access to help and support that can improve their lives. When our community is stronger, we all benefit.
  • Educate employees and organizations about community issues and allowing them to make informed decisions about how they can make a difference.
  • Make it easy for employees to give. Either through payroll deduction or credit card, donors can choose what options is best for them. A gift can be made over the course of a year or in one lump sum, depending on the donor’s preference.
  • Maximize the impact of giving. Donors can support United Way’s impact fund by allocating their gift to one of our specific impact areas or to a specific initiative that is close to their heart.

Already running a campaign?

Access Employee Campaign Manager resources, information on how to run a successful workplace campaign and United Way materials to educate your employees.

Interested in running a campaign?

Start your own workplace campaign to improve educational outcomes for local children, increase financial stability for families who are struggling in our community, and enable greater independence and opportunity for seniors and people with disabilities. For more information, contact  linda.jones@unitedwayswpa.org.