Mark’s Story

An Independent & Vibrant Life

Mark, 20, is a bright college student who volunteers, is active in the local arts scene, and works at a part-time internship that will likely lead to paid employment. Mark also has quadriplegia as a result of cerebral palsy. Of necessity, Mark’s become adept at organizing information, writing, and collaboration: he recruits, hires and manages the team of aides who help him with daily functions. He gets around in a battery-powered wheelchair, and communicates via computer and an electronic speech-generating device, all controlled with slight movements of his head. It may take him a little longer to do things this way, but he is fully engaged in a life he accurately describes as “buzzing with activity.”

United Way’s 21 and Able initiative is an invaluable partner to Mark’s parents, who want him to maintain the same vibrant life he has now as he enters adulthood. “This initiative is looking at the entire scope of what constitutes a full, meaningful life for young people with disabilities,” says Mark’s mother, Tina. “It helps youth feel empowered, celebrates their achievements and encourages them to aim high, engage with the world, and fulfill their dreams.”  Being involved with 21 and Able gives Mark and his family a sense of connection as well as critical information and support on important issues. Families like Mark’s are looking for customized housing solutions in local neighborhoods where youth with complex disabilities can live independently with the support of aides.  It will take intense advocacy efforts on the part of Mark, his parents and the supporters of United Way’s 21 and Able initiative to make it happen.