Ryan’s Story

Hope is a Reason to Smile

A brain tumor in childhood left Ryan, with significant physical limitations. His mom, Colleen, recalls the nightmare of his diagnosis and her abiding hopes for her son: “We’re like other parents. We want Ryan to achieve his dreams. We just weren’t sure how he could manage it.”

Colleen hoped for the best when Ryan, was hired as a cashier at Giant Eagle through United Way’s 21 & Able’s Career Transition Liaison Project. “I was placed in a department where I don’t have to lift anything too heavy when I bag, and at a smaller register where I can use my wheelchair,” Ryan says. “The computer screen tilts, and it’s easier for me to pull the receipt.”

Ryan likes connecting with customers. “Some people say they hate their jobs, but me? I love mine. I want to work here as long as I can. The days are long but they go fast. And I keep smiling.”

Ryan Cenk passed away on April 22, 2017, at the age of 22. He was a champion for the employment of people with disabilities and founding advocate for the #IWantToWork campaign. He served on panels for 21 and Able​, using his charm and tremendous humor to educate others about the importance of employment of people with disabilities. His positive outlook and life’s mission to help others will be sorely missed.

United Way is grateful to Ryan for his years of dedicated volunteerism and his passion to ensure support for young adults who want to work to have that opportunity. Visit this link to make a donation in his memory that will help carry forward the work of 21 and Able.