Volunteer Stories

We believe in the power of volunteerism to transform our community. United Way Volunteers come from all walks of life. They roll up their sleeves and go where their time and talent is needed most. Be on the front lines and see what a difference your support makes. Below are just a few of our volunteer’s stories.

We believe in the power of volunteerism to transform our community. United Way Volunteers come from all walks of life. They roll up their sleeves and go where their time and talent is needed most. Be on the front lines and see what a difference your support makes. Below are just a few of our volunteer’s stories.

Belkys Torres

Dr. Belkys Torres

“I appreciate United Way because I can direct my financial donations to the Latino Community Center (LCC) which has provided family services and support to incoming immigrant and ethnic communities.…

Regina Scott

Regina Scott

I volunteer through the United Way to work alongside others who are not only philanthropic, but also share my desire to drive greater social change. I am able to further causes that I am passionate about…

David Matthew

David Matthew

I volunteer because I believe United Way is best positioned to understand where the biggest needs are in my community, and I feel fortunate that I can take part in helping provide solutions.

Rachel Brecht

Rachel Brecht

I remember attending my first info session, at a friend’s house, where they discussed how United Way is unique in the fact that you get to see how the funds are being used to enrich the lives of men,…

Carol Jackson

Carol Jackson

"All it took was a small amount of education to appreciate that United Way is one of the more efficient ways to channel your philanthropic dollars."

Blohm Family

Maria and Brian Blohm

“There's no other organization that brings businesses and professionals together to give back to the community and create change like United Way does."

Geovette Washington

“The WLC is a group of very dedicated and determined women who are figuring out new, creative ways to help their community, even during the most difficult times.”

Andrea Krueger

"It is important to me that I support an organization that allows me to bring my family along to help make a difference and United Way makes that happen.”

Kara Rubio

Kara Rubio

"I think it’s important that young and early-career professionals have a voice in philanthropy. Philanthropy is not just about charity; it’s also an opportunity to learn about fields and sectors that…

The Faucher Family

Committed to the Region’s Economy and Health

“Everything going on in the world right now, including the pandemic, only heightens the critical need to address healthcare issues and social disparities by supporting organizations such as United W…

Becky Gales

Becky Gales

“United Way is impacting our friends, our neighbors, and other community members in our region.”

Chase Loper Headshot

Chase Loper

A passion for higher education also paved the way for ongoing community involvement through student engagement.