Entries by akougher

Committed to the Region’s Economy and Health

“Everything going on in the world right now, including the pandemic, only heightens the critical need to address healthcare issues and social disparities by supporting organizations such as United Way.”

Becky Gales

“United Way is impacting our friends, our neighbors, and other community members in our region.”

Chase Loper

A passion for higher education also paved the way for ongoing community involvement through student engagement.

Anastasiya Maksakova

“There is so much you can be involved with. Pick something you are passionate about and donate your time and skill sets. We lead by example for our peers, but also for our kids who see us actively involved.”

Putting financial strength to work to support vulnerable families.

“My commitment to United Way started early on. A cornerstone of KPMG’s culture is our commitment to our communities and the firm has always supported me when I wanted to get more involved. I’ve served United Way for nearly three decades as either a contributor, committee member for the impact fund, and now as a board member.”

Kenya Boswell

“Being part of this powerful network of women who are working together to improve people’s quality of life and reduce disparities in marginalized communities is impactful. I am honored to be a part of the council.”