Entries by akougher

Meet Jennifer Yates

In her role as Tocqueville Development Officer, Jennifer works closely with Tocqueville Society members and prospects to inform them of United Way’s work in the community and thank them for their generous support. This fall marks her fourth year with United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania.

A Fresh Start for A Family

“I hope that others will call if they need help. Everyone should know they don’t have to struggle if they get into a pinch.”

Carol Jackson

“All it took was a small amount of education to appreciate that United Way is one of the more efficient ways to channel your philanthropic dollars.”

Maria and Brian Blohm

“There’s no other organization that brings businesses and professionals together to give back to the community and create change like United Way does.”

Meet Roxanne P. Dunseath

For Roxanne, being at United Way for more than 30 years speaks volumes about how great the team is and how passionate they are about the work they do.

Question Before Us: Panelist Bios

“Tocqueville Society helps people to really connect with other like-minded people. Everyone wants to be part of some kind of a group. Here families come together and do lots of great things”

Andrea Bortoluzzi

“As your life goes through stages, you become more aware of the realities in the world. In my case, as my children got older, I started to realize the need in my local community and had more time to volunteer.”

Tina Morascyzk

“Growing up, I consistently witnessed my parents’ giving nature, their kindness, and their generosity. They worked hard, and always shared their blessings, so I want to set the same example for my own children.”

Meet Iryna Khalymon

Processing Department employee Iryna Khalymon has a passion for helping donors contribute to United Way and its campaigns. As a Processing Specialist, Iryna sets up campaigns to allow donors to have the best possible experience during their pledging process.