Volunteer Stories

We believe in the power of volunteerism to transform our community. United Way Volunteers come from all walks of life. They roll up their sleeves and go where their time and talent is needed most. Be on the front lines and see what a difference your support makes. Below are just a few of our volunteer’s stories.

We believe in the power of volunteerism to transform our community. United Way Volunteers come from all walks of life. They roll up their sleeves and go where their time and talent is needed most. Be on the front lines and see what a difference your support makes. Below are just a few of our volunteer’s stories.

Beth Lynch

Volunteering is the "Smart Investment"

When Beth Lynch heard about Smart Investments, a program sponsored by United for Women in partnership with South Hills Interfaith Ministries, she knew she could help.

Todd Rosenfeld and Delilah Picart

Give More, Get More

“By being a Tocqueville member, a person receives considerably more than they give.”

Kathy and Ray Buehler

A Passion for Giving

Growing up in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, Ray Buehler has lived a busy yet fulfilling life, recently becoming the 2014 United Way Campaign Chair.

Curt and Kim Fleming

Energized by Impact

Born and raised in Pennsylvania, Kim Fleming took a small jump to Illinois to attend Northwestern University for physical therapy.

Lou and Kathy Testoni

Superwoman of Pittsburgh

After meeting her army husband in Washington DC and spending her young adult life moving around the United States and raising two children, Kathy Testoni is no stranger to hard work or dedication.

Dodi Walker Gross

Taking Care of Her Own

Working as a lawyer and a partner at Reed Smith, Pittsburgh native Dodi Walker Gross is no stranger to helping the community.